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"The 18th Idaka Danrin Concert" on Chiba News
-Chiba TV
(8 Oct, 2023)

Radio Interview on Yoko's debut album, "The Path of the Wind"
-With Mr. Chi Chung at Commercial Radio
(27 Oct, 2018)
Radio Interview - Commercial Radio
00:00"Yoko Wende, mon coup de coeur cette année (my favorite this year)"
-Les Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace (Apr, 2018)

"Glamorous Japanese singer Yoko Wende performing with a jazz band"
-Asia Pacific Boating Magazine (Jan, 2017)
click here for the full article
"First-rate jazz singer, Yoko Wende, in Jazz Summer"
-Time Out Hong Kong (June, 2016)
click here for the full article
Radio Interview
-Commercial Radio (June, 2016)

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